The PCB used for replacing the SI4735 of the QUANSHENG UV K5


I found out on the KD8CEC AMATEUR RADIO web page that quansheng UV K5 used the SI4732 chip to expand the short-wave reception range, so I designed a PCB to replace the BK1080 chip, which only needed a RESET jumper to complete the replacement.

A FPC or a 0.8mm PCB board is available.

If you have better suggestions, please leave me a message, thank you for your advice!

我在KD8CEC AMATEUR RADIO的网页发现quansheng UV K5使用SI4732芯片扩展短波接收范围的介绍文章,于是我自己设计了一个用于替换BK1080芯片的PCB,只需要一根RESET跳线即可完成替换。可以使用FPC或者0.8mm的PCB板。 如果您有更好的建议,请留言给我,谢谢您的建议!


Mini PCB

Preview diagram


  1. Very good! Have you tested it? 73

  2. I would love to have the gerber file as well as the BOM and pick&place file

